Business Planning and Strategy


A strong people, culture and organisational strategy improves productivity, loyalty, and employee retention.

Our business planning and strategy workshops allow senior leadership teams to become more involved in the design and execution of the business plan and strategy.

We drive the discussion, and the business leads the outcomes. FiveSeven workshops are customised to the client and are followed with implementation tools and a road map.


Planning and Operations workshops


Strategy planning is often confused with business planning, they are however, two very different undertakings:

  • Your strategy plan articulates and drives your business goals.

  • Your business plan takes your goals and turns them into action.

And action is what FiveSeven Consulting is all about.

When we facilitate your planning session, we not only help you identify your problems and pain points, we mentor you through creating accountability and actionable outcomes to achieve your business strategy.

Our workshops are designed with an alignment to our values:

Simple: There are no complicated processes and no fancy buzz words

Efficient: Time is money

Candid: If we see or hear ‘B&%$@#*t’ - we will call it

These are not a 3-day immersion experience, but a practical exercise in driving clear and accountable future business outcomes.


The importance of employee engagement and workplace planning


Employee Engagement is a massive issue worldwide. AUS study found that worldwide, only 13 per cent of employees reported being actively engaged in their workplace.

That means a whopping 87 per cent of workers are disconnected from their workplaces. To be frank, that’s a lot of people who dislike their job and it is a statistic senior management across all sectors need to be aware of.

Employee engagement does not have to be hard work, and simple strategies can sometimes be all that is needed to drive change.

You cannot have engagement without planning – having the right people, in the right roles gives you an engaged workforce.

Workforce Planning often gets overlooked because it can be a bit uncomfortable. However, it forces you to look at your people, their positions, and their plans and if you are not on the same page, it’s time for change.

While it might not sound as appealing as strategic planning, it is essential and every workplace needs to be doing it  now more than ever.

Don't know where to start? We do.

Book your FiveSeven organisational development workshop today.


Every business will benefit from a business and strategy workshop facilitated by FiveSeven Consulting.

Contact us to arrange an obligation-free discussion about the best approach to suit your business.