Delivered by a DISC Advanced® Accredited Consultant

“Develop high performing teams through improved self-awareness”

- DISC Australia

DISC Advanced®.

DISC Advanced® is a behavioural assessment tool based on the psychology of four (4) different personality styles: - Dominance, Influence, Steadiness and Compliance.

It is a complex psychological model made simple and accessible to anyone through years of research, practice and workplace application.

DISC Advanced® has been used by Australian and international organisations for 40 years, to help individuals better understand themselves, and how they interact with others, in order to be more effective and productive at work.

FiveSeven Consulting uses the DISC Advanced® assessment tool which is considered to be the most validated and in-depth instrument of its type. The DISC Advanced® framework is designed to provide practical and useable information. Often behavioural assessment systems are incomplete, leaving participants wondering, “What now?”

The DISC Advanced® process provides a platform for achieving real results. It is easy to use and designed specifically for the workplace.

How DISC can benefit your organisation.


Some of the most common applications for DISC assessments in organisations worldwide are:

  • Self-leadership development

  • Team building

  • Communication and interaction skills

  • Sales skills development

  • Customer service skills development

  • A tool for coaching conversations

  • Conflict resolution and dealing with difficult people

  • Organisational development

The participant benefits from a range of “what now” tools and tips include:

  • Tips for others on how to communicate with the individual

  • Strategies to reduce conflict and increase harmony within teams

  • An overview of the various styles

  • How to identify another people’s behavioural style

  • How to adapt to the various behavioural styles

  • How to communicate with the various behavioural styles

  • Action Plan Worksheets, this enables participants to take the Assessment results and use that to create desired changes.

Talk to us about learning more about DISC and enable your team to continue to build their capability and perform at their best.

The DISC Advanced® Assessment Report.

The DISC Advanced® Assessment Report that each participant receives includes:

  • Behavioural style overview

  • The Profiles – There are two separate profiles provided by the Assessment: One, that outlines a person’s ‘natural’ relationship to the DISC quadrants and another that shows what ‘adjustment’ a person has made in the workplace to accommodate their work environment

  • DISC Advanced Behavioural Chart – The Chart outlines where the individual is placed on the DISC quadrants compared to other in their team.

  • Workplace predispositions – These predispositions describe the attributes of the individual and how these attributes can be adapted and used. 

  • Individual strengths

  • Individual development areas

  • Behavioural Trait Intensity

  • How others perceive the person

  • Reaction modes under pressure and in conflict

  • Communication style

The report also has an advanced section providing an Advanced Interrelated Behavioural Analysis. This feature provides a significantly more comprehensive understanding of someone’s complete behavioural style that provides a much deeper understanding of human behaviour.

A DISC Advanced® profile assessment is a powerful professional development experience, for individuals and teams.

At an individual level, the assessment develops a deep understanding of how they naturally work, how they are perceived by others, what makes them ‘tick’ and how they can adapt and optimise their approach in working with others in unique situations.

At a team level, the assessment provides a comprehensive insight into how different personality styles can work together in harmony and perform at a high level.

We offer more.

One to One Mentoring


FiveSeven Consulting offers one-on-one mentoring to further “unpack” an individual’s DISC profile. This allows time to discuss real workplace scenarios and interpersonal challenges in a confidential setting.

Individual DISC mentoring is structured in three 1-hour sessions and are held either face-to-face or via video conference. On request DISC Mentoring can be undertaken as part of a structured retained Mentoring Program.